For these videos, I edited down the roughly two-hour transcript from the original interview into succinct “scripts,” or paper cuts for three, individual videos. I worked thematically, focusing on women’s empowerment in Pakistan, the family from the documentary and their relationship with Islam, and the protagonist’s gender identity. From here, I spliced the interview together with relevant b-roll, added captions and color corrected the interview footage, resulting in these final products.
Planet Forward:
For these videos, I created branded content promoting the company’s Storyfest program, as well as researched original stories surrounding the environment and climate change. I interviewed subjects, amassed appropriate footage from Creative Commons, and edited these final pieces; one of which has 178k+ views.
Reporting/Production Project:
This story came together as part of a project with The George Washington University and West Virginia University. I wanted to tell the story of the competing sides surrounding the pipeline industry in West Virginia, hoping to find what drives these individuals and what middle ground may be found. The story, reporting, editing, and most videography is my own. As I was also filming on location, I also set up the equipment for the shoots.
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